I thought it might be a good idea to show you a map of the area where I go bird-watching (My Patch).

To access the map showing you the area,just click on the heading "MAP OF MY PATCH "above.

Once you have the map on -screen you will  see a table of location names on the left-hand side of the map,by clicking on any of these ,it will take you to that location and let you know what you are likely to see there.

Viewing is better at migration times late March to early May and then again early September until late October.

You can also use the toggle to zoom into any location for a better view .

You will also notice there are 2 small bamboo hides on my patch which you are welcome to use,I will be "renovating" them in February after the winter winds,which has now become an annual task.

 I have plans to make 2 more hides in the near future.

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